Teach us to Number our Days

Where has 2024 gone? It’s Autumn already! Time seems to pass quicker these days, but maybe that’s just an illusion because life is hectic for so many.

In Psalm 90 Moses prays a dangerous prayer: ‘Teach us to number our days’. 

What did he mean by that? Does he want to start writing a diary? Does he want God to show him how fleeting his life is? 

The CEV version of the Bible translates this verse as ‘Teach us to use wisely the time that we have’. That works for me. I know I won’t be here forever, so how can I make the most of this precious gift of time He has given me?

But how could the Lord possibly teach Moses something like that? Well, there are lots of ways, but not all of them are desirable. 

For example, the Lord may guide us clearly through His word, through our relationships and through prayer. We may receive a green light from Him and step ahead in joyous faith. 

Or he may allow illness, or other types of suffering. He may cause us to feel regret for past mistakes. We may not want these things, but the Lord may use such experiences to ‘teach us to number our days’.

But the verse isn’t finished… The full verse 12 reads, ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.’ 

Moses didn’t ask the Lord for this life lesson just so he could tick it off a list; he had a much better reason. He wanted to gain wisdom.

Have you asked the Lord to teach you how to wisely use the time that you have? You might be surprised at his teaching methods and amazed at where he sends you! 

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