A legacy gift to Reach Beyond can be a natural way of showing your passion and commitment to the task of sharing the good news of Jesus with unreached people into the future.
For over 90 years, the sacrificial gifts and prayers of supporters like you have enabled our mission workers and local partners to take the gospel to new mission frontiers.
By including a gift to Reach Beyond in your will you can ensure that future generations of mission workers can be the voice and hands of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.
As a Christian, I believe that God controls every area of my life, including my finances. As Reach Beyond has been such a vital part of my walk with Him over many years, it is wonderful to know that when my time on earth is over, my legacy can be used to bless and help the Lord’s ongoing work through the mission to share Jesus’ love with those who do not know Him.”
Judy, a Reach Beyond supporter
We promise to steward your legacy gift effectively so that we can best serve wherever the spiritual and practical needs of unreached people are greatest around the world.
A valid will ensures that your estate is distributed according to your wishes. It enables you to provide for your family and loved ones, as well as the charities that you care about.
If you have not made a will or wish to update your will, here are a few options to choose from in finding a solicitor.
- Find a local solicitor using The Law Society’s database of solicitors.
- If you wish to find a Christian solicitor, The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship have created a useful directory of its members.
All legacies left to charity are completely free from inheritance tax. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on how to make your will as tax efficient as possible.
This includes explaining new rules that reduce the rate of inheritance tax for people who leave at least 10 percent of their estate to charity.
The best type of gift you can leave to a charity in your will is a share of the estate after all other gifts have been made.
Any percentage can be left to charity, and this type of legacy enables you to provide for your family and loved ones, as well as ensuring that the gift keeps pace with inflation.
To talk to someone from our team confidentially about leaving a gift to Reach Beyond in your will, call Colin Lowther on 01274 721810 or send him an email.