Pentecost Resources

Free resources that you can use to raise awareness of world mission this Pentecost.

We hope you'll enjoy using this material and consider supporting Reach Beyond as we step out into new mission frontiers.



Please click on the link below to download a selection of prayers that you can use for a Pentecost Sunday service.

Download Pentecost Prayers


A special poem for Pentecost Sunday: Asleep in the Light?

Download the poem text


Suggested Bible Readings

  • Psalm 48 - Sing praises to God and tell the next generation about His mighty deeds
  • Matthew 28:16-20 – The great commission to make disciples of all nations
  • Acts 1:4-8 – The promise of the Holy Spirit
  • Acts 2:1-21 – The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost
  • Revelation 7:9-17 - The great multitude worshipping God in heaven


Worship hymns and songs


Pentecost Sunday Talk

Taking the gospel beyond your church’s comfort zone this Pentecost

For the past 2,000 years, Christians have been praying for the fulfilment of the Great Commission and sharing the good news of Jesus with people from different tribes and nations. The work is not finished yet.

Did you know that today there are more than three billion people who don’t know about God’s love for them?

So, it’s time to take a radical stand and say, “We will do something to take the gospel beyond our church’s comfort zone!”

Download Talk Outline



Enable Reach Beyond workers to step out into new mission frontiers

By sending a gift to Reach Beyond today, you'll be partnering with our mission workers who are sharing the good news of Jesus with genuinely unreached people groups.

Give now

By sending a donation of £250, £500 or more, your church can help to build latrines for families living in the Amazon jungle, enable the purchase of transmitters and antennas so new Christian radio stations can be planted in Sub Saharan Africa, and give families in remote areas of Central Asia the chance to have health consultations with a Christian GP.

Download a church giving form

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

Click here to let us know how you made use of these resources.

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