Stewart and Anna-Claire Cusick

Give by bank transfer

To give a one-off gift to Stewart and Anna-Claire by bank transfer, open your online bank account through your banking app or on the web and go to the payment section. Then create a new payment using the following details:

Account name: HCJB-UK Ltd T/A Reach Beyond
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65573802

If you'd like to make a regular monthly gift to Stewart & Anna-Claire, look for a tick box that says something like "Make recurring payment". Tick this box to give regularly.

You can also increase your donation by 25% if you are a UK tax payer! Click here to make a Gift Aid declaration.

Please could you also send us a confirmation email by clicking the button below so that we can look out for your bank transfer donation and inform Stewart & Anna-Claire.

Send Confirmation Email

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