Stewart and Anna-Claire Cusick

Stewart and Anna-Claire have a passion to use the skills God has given them to serve him and to serve others. Stewart is an Engineer and Anna-Claire is a doctor.

They feel called to live and work in Ecuador in order to demonstrate God’s love for lost people and see him glorified.

As a couple with a growing family, they are trusting in God as they move to Ecuador.

If you would like to know more, and receive regular news from Stewart and Anna-Claire, please contact them here and ask to be added to their prayer update list.

Additionally, if you'd like to keep updated about the charity that Stewart and Anna-Claire are part of, and would like to pray for the wider work of Reach Beyond, click here.

Their work is only possible through financial donations - if you would like to partner with Stewart and Anna-Claire in this way, give using the form below.

Stewart and Anna-Claire will be careful to look after any personal details that you pass on to them.

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