Worldwide: Latin America

Reach Beyond has a rich history in Latin America dating back to 1931 when Radio Station HCJB, the world’s pioneer missionary radio station, went on the air in Quito, Ecuador. Together with local partners, more than 128 radio outlets are on the air across the region. We also distribute hundreds of audio players for distribution each year in unreached villages of Brazil’s Amazon basin. They contain content such as the Scriptures, Bible studies, music and uplifting stories.

In the area of healthcare, staff members touch the lives of 350,000 Ecuadorians annually through ministries such as Hospital Vozandes-Quito, community development, urban clinics and medical caravans.

Reach Beyond provides training in communications, healthcare and theology. Apoyo, Reach Beyond’s pastoral training and development ministry, offers seminars for church leaders across Latin America. Corrientes (Currents) is a mentoring programme, preparing Latin Americans for missionary service worldwide. We also offer media training for partner stations across the region.

Latin America statistics

589 million

Religious breakdown:
Christian 92% (16.7% evangelical); non-religious 4%; other 4%

People groups:
1,441 (71 unreached - 5%)

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