UK: Radio Production and Training

Faith on the radio: what do you think of? Thought for the Day on Radio 4 perhaps, or one of the two dedicated Christian stations in the UK?

And what kind of radio do you listen to? Serious or lighter stations, talk, music or both? Ever listen to commercial radio – you know, the kind with all those annoying adverts?!

Despite the rise and proliferation of all types of media including social ones in recent years, radio is still hugely popular – even if it is just when you’re driving or doing something else as well…

The other surprising thing is that faith actually appears on some of those commercial stations too. Not often or in huge amounts, but it is there. At Christmas and Easter, and at other times of the year too. However popular and ‘mainstream’ they are, there are commercial stations that play short programmes engaging with faith – and specifically the Christian faith.

This is the kind of audio we produce in the UK radio department of Reach Beyond. It’s a genuinely missional enterprise because the programming reaches many non-Christian listeners to these stations, in what is effectively now a very secular and pluralistic culture. 

We seek to ‘get inside the head’ and think about what makes a listener tick. Music, chat, showbiz and topicality are popular. So harps, hymns and homilies are out, while a catchy entertaining mix of speech and music is definitely in – a mix that also encourages thought about God, Jesus and faith. Programming includes short features and sets of reflections or ‘seed spots’ – some interview and comment-based, some dramatised. It’s an exciting venture to seek to capture the imagination of these audiences afresh with the gospel. We value your prayers and support! Here's one example froma radio advertising campaign:

Christian Enquiry Agency Radio Commercial

We’re also able to deliver high-quality media training to your church team or organisation. Find out more here.

Andy Kind, Comedian

I have loved being involved with these guys. The whole enterprise is led with pioneering vision, matched by the creativity and courage of the programme-making.

Andy Kind, Comedian

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