Written by: Colin Lowther, CEO.
There’s no getting round it – times are hard. The cost-of-living crisis has overtaken Covid on the news as the top item, and many will be making some hard choices this winter.
If you are struggling, please let us know how we can pray for you – you can email us or call 01274 721810.
As fear increases all around us, where can we find hope?
I was reading the stories of Elisha recently and was struck again by the panicked words of Elisha’s servant when he saw vast numbers of Aramean horses and chariots surrounding them. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” (2 Kings 6:15).
These words might be on our minds too when we think about the prospect of rising bills and a tough winter ahead.
But let us take heart from the prophet’s response.
Elisha just used those three words we hear so often in the Bible, “Don’t be afraid.”
Then Elisha went on to pray – not for God to destroy the enemy advances – but for the servant’s eyes to be opened to the reality of the help freely available from the Lord.
“Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” he said, as the servant suddenly had his eyes opened to see the hills full of the Lord’s horses and chariots of fire.
In these difficult times let us remember that God is with us. God is on our side, and He will continue to provide and care for each of us as we serve Him faithfully by being the voice and hands of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.
Join our community and pray with us as we work to ensure that the unreached everywhere can access the real hope of Christ.
Together, let us ask the Lord to “open their eyes, so they might see.”