The Secret of Being Content

The psalmist David wrote, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” In just a few words, David makes a simple but profound declaration, one that sharply contrasts much of our society today.

We are continually bombarded with messages designed to make us want something we don’t have and buy things we don’t need. We are tempted to think that we would be satisfied if we just had a little more. We want more food, more things, more wealth, more success, more recognition, and more fun. We want to enjoy life and find happiness.

As king, David chased after all of those things. His desires took him on pathways away from God that led to sin. David’s thirst for more had failed, but God forgave and restored him. David discovered that true contentment only comes from God.

In Psalm 23, David describes how God guides us, provides what we need, protects us from harm, blesses us with His goodness and mercy, and offers us eternal life with Him. What more could we want? What else do we really need?

David assures us that we will find contentment when we choose to completely trust in our Good Shepherd.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians saying he had learned the secret of being content in every circumstance. Even in times of hunger and need, Paul found contentment that is only possible through Christ, who gives us strength.

Whenever we find ourselves wanting more, we should be reminded that what we really need is more of Jesus. We want to be more like Christ. We want to think like He thinks, and We want to see others like He sees them. We want to love people like He loves them. More than anything, We want to be more like Jesus. We want to be more like Him.

We are surrounded by people who are seeking something more. They need someone to tell them about the peace and hope that can only be found through Jesus and our daily walk with Him.

We pray that God will give you His peace and contentment in each and every circumstance you face to.

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