Sharing Jesus’ love with refugee women in Greece

Kitty Everett is sharing the love of Christ with refugee women in Greece by teaching them handicraft skills and entrepreneurship. This is such a priceless gift to women who have rarely experienced a sense of worth and value in their home countries. 

Most of the women Kitty is helping were forced to flee their homes in the Middle East. They came from Islamic cultures that limit women from engaging in business or working independently. 

However, in Athens, anyone can sell handmade items without an official license. So, by teaching these women how to produce small handicraft items and how to sell them, Kitty is offering them a chance to experience independence. She is also providing a safe space for them to talk, to make new friends and to hear about Jesus.  

After months of hosting her classes in different locations, God has now provided Kitty with a permanent place in central Athens. In exchange for helping a local mission partner manage their meeting space, Kitty can use it for her classes free of charge. 

In recent months Kitty is seeing her ministry bear great fruit as refugee women from different faiths and walks of life are beginning to share openly about their joys and their struggles. 

On one occasion a woman shared about the sadness of losing a friend who was shot during the unrest in her home country. This gave Kitty the opportunity to share about the hope we have in Christ and how it can bring comfort us in hard times.  

God has brought Kitty to this new space so she can better demonstrate Jesus's love and speak His truth into the lives of women who might not otherwise hear about Him.

Click here to find out how you could be voice and hands of Jesus to refugees in Europe by serving on a short-term ministry team.

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