I went to a funeral recently. It was for someone I’d never met…
Don’t worry, I’m not the sort of person who stalks other people’s funerals! I was free on that day and was asked to play the piano during the church service.
The lady who had died sounded amazing. Family and friends got up one after the other to talk about how she was a talented lawyer, selfless in her help and concern for clients, how she was kind and compassionate and always went the extra mile.
There were tears and laughter and a wonderful sense of hope that this lady was now finally with Jesus, the person she’d lived her whole life for.
By the end of the service I was thinking, “I wish I’d had the chance to meet her.”
And then it struck me that Reach Beyond had a similar purpose.
Our workers go about their daily lives, installing water wells, helping radio stations get on the air and serving those who are struggling with medical needs in remote places.
As they do this, they radiate the love and compassion of Jesus in such a way that causes people around them to think, “I want to meet this Jesus they love so much for myself.”
The good news is that our Saviour is alive!
And our workers have the privilege to introduce Jesus to the people they meet in parts of the world where many do not know His name.
In the latest edition of VOICE+HANDS we are bringing you some of those stories, of how our workers are sharing Jesus with Rohingya refugees in Asia, how one lady in Africa is shaking up radio stations for God, and how people living in the happiest country in the world (allegedly) now have new opportunities to find out what makes a person truly happy!
Enjoy reading - and thank you for your partnership in the gospel.