Reach Beyond at 90: celebrate with us!

It is our 90th birthday and we are inviting YOU to celebrate with us …. 

For nearly a century, Reach Beyond missionaries, volunteers, and supporters like you have been serving God with a common goal - to take the good news of Jesus to the unreached. 

Thank you so much for everything you have made possible in Jesus’ name. 

As you may already know, God called Clarence Jones to start a missionary radio station in Latin America. And on Christmas Day 1931, Reach Beyond (then HCJB) was officially launched with its first gospel broadcasts in Spanish and English.

Behind every milestone you see on the celebration timeline in the latest of our VOICE+HANDS magazine, there are thousands of prayers, and small and big acts of generosity.  

Your prayers and generosity have enabled our workers and local partners to be the voice and hands of Jesus to the unreached. 

As we look back on all that we have achieved together, there so many things worth celebrating and thanking God for.  

Once again, thank you for all you have made possible through Reach Beyond.  

And, if you would like to give us a birthday present why not donate today?

I'd like to give a birthday gift to Reach Beyond

Your generous gift of any amount will enable us to continue to touch countless lives through our voice and hands ministries in different parts of the world. 

A gift of £30, £60, or even £100 can enable our mission workers and local partners to continue and grow vital mission projects in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and further afield. 

Thank you for partnering with Reach Beyond to share the gospel in word and deed. 

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