Omar’s Story

We recently received this testimony from our Arabic media ministry:

"My name is Omar*. I was a very radical person. I despised Christianity and Christians. I viciously assaulted them and did many horrific and unspeakable things to them. 

When I found you on TikTok, all my responses were too aggressive, especially when someone talked about Christ, the cross, and the incarnation. If anybody told me that Jesus died to rescue us from the captivity of sin, I would go nuts. 

I was so enraged by your articles and comments that I entered the private chat box only to call names, and trash everyone who responded. 

The most incredible part was that the counsellor reacted to my insults with, "God Bless you." When our chat came to an end, he asked to pray with me. 

I declined at first, but when he repeated his prayer request, I felt humiliated to let him down again. 

I have no idea what occurred after he started praying! I found myself sobbing like a small child who had wandered away from his parents. 

This wonderful counsellor informed me that he is always accessible to take calls at any time. Three days later, I messaged him on WhatsApp, and we talked about a variety of topics. 

We had been reading the Bible for more than three hours without noticing the time. Then I started watching every programme and asking plenty of questions. 

Finally, I asked how to become a Christian. They sent me several teachings on the principles of the Christian religion, and then they prayed with me for deliverance. 

I am learning the way of Jesus - to be compassionate and tender like Him. I have now joined the discipleship programme to learn more about Jesus Christ and grow in my Christian faith."

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* Name has been changed
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