Reach Beyond CEO Colin Lowther spoke to supporters Michael and Audrey Parkinson about their involvement with our mission. He asked them how it all began…
Audrey: Our journey with Reach Beyond started when Andrew Steele and his family returned from Ecuador to take up the role of Chief Executive. They settled at our church in Keighley and Andrew encouraged me to join a media training course. This led to me volunteering as a writer for the ministry from the mid-1980s for about a decade.
Colin: Why did you stay involved?
Michael: Audrey and I deeply admire and appreciate everything your workers and local partners aim to achieve. We've always felt a calling to be a part of this incredible work. The global reach and impact of Reach Beyond is something we try to keep up with and support as much as we can.
Colin: Is there a particular aspect of our work that inspires you?
Audrey: Absolutely. It's how you consider the voice and hands ministries of Jesus as equally important. Such balance in your approach to missions is truly inspiring.
Colin: You invited me to speak at your church recently. What prompted this?
Michael: Our church has always felt it's important to connect personally with the ministries we support. Having someone like you come and share with us brings a human touch and helps to make our prayers and our giving more focused and meaningful. It's not just about supporting a large, distant organisation; it's about supporting real people doing God's work.
Colin: You are both regulars at PRAYERZONE Live. What keeps bringing you back?
Audrey: It's the connection again. Seeing faces, some familiar, some new. And being able to match names to faces is invaluable. We've also come to realise the immense effort behind PRAYERZONE Live and are so grateful to everyone involved. It's a wonderful experience every time!
Colin: Michael and Audrey, thank you so much for sharing your heart and journey with us.
Why not invite a Reach Beyond speaker to your church? Connect personally, enhance your prayers, and experience global mission stories in a new way. Contact Lizzy here or call 01274 721810 to request a speaker for your church.
Find out more about PRAYERZONE Live which takes place on the second Thursday of each month on Zoom.