Living Evidence

Written by: Theresa With.

Recently Reach Beyond president Steve Harling and other team members returned from Asia, where they visited co-partners and missionaries in the region. Coming away from that trip, Steve was incredibly encouraged from what he saw there, and stated:  “God is clearly on move there. It was amazing to see what God is doing in that region.”

One radio partner in the area has seen over 600 baptisms in January and February this year. An Asian country with 27 radio stations currently, has a goal of establishing 100. In another country in the region with less than 1% Christians, pastors have asked for 1million believers by 2020! There is huge vision throughout the region. Steve also met a modern-day Paul, a former terrorist who was committed to killing Christians and who is now a passionate follower of Jesus.

With evidence of the remarkable transformation of lives through the power of the gospel, it isn’t hard to walk into Easter with much rejoicing. During Easter, “we think about darkness and light; death and resurrection; and transformation of life; dying to the old way of life, and resurrecting to a new way of life in Christ,” said Harling. “God is opening doors before us in remarkable ways. The work in Asia is one exciting example. There, alongside our missionaries and partners, small teams are having incredible impact.”

It is only through the work and power of the Holy Spirit that this can be happening. “With God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

As we anticipate Easter and the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, we can consider the wondrous reality of God’s power still at work transforming lives throughout the world. Bringing life to places of death; light to darkness; truth to deception; giving evidence of the power of the resurrection.

Let’s also remember that the work is not done. There are yet unreached people groups and unreached countries where Easter is not celebrated. Where Jesus is not known. Together, let’s continue to pray, equip, and go to bring God’s presence and power to those who have not yet heard. Then we can all rejoice together!

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