Light in Dark Places

As the daylight grows, and flush of summer promise fills the air
We recall how Easter hope once scattered grief and dark despair

So, we hold up in our hearts the lives of those by conflict bound
Pray that in the direst places, resurrection life is found

Father, we especially think of brothers, sisters in Ukraine
Help us Lord to stand with them, both sure and steadfast, in their pain

We remember conflicts too and desperate need in other lands
Grant us will and wisdom, how to be your voice and be your hands

Jesus may your burning love subdue and melt the darkest heart
May our lives too be changed, transformed, the whole, not just a part

God, we pray that your strong life can banish anger, drive out fear
Let it usher in a peace that passes knowledge, far, and near

A poem by Bruce Gulland, Reach Beyond UK, 2022

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