Rachel’s Story

Rachel* is a young woman who wanted to commit her life and skills to God.

A while ago she went on a short-term trip to serve refugee women in the Asia Pacific region. This trip turned into a life-changing commitment as a missionary with Reach Beyond.

Last Christmas we invited you to support Rachel’s perinatal healthcare programme for expectant refugee mothers. And today we want to share about other aspects of Rachel’s ministry amongst poor and marginalised women in Southeast Asia. 

Rachel ministers to women from an unreached people group who are now also living far from home. She calls them ‘my girls’. Most were trafficked there to be child brides. 

Once the girls arrive, they’re immediately married to men who are older and who they’ve never met. Often the stories of these girls are heart-breaking. Rachel is there for them, befriending them and helping them see that they are precious and valuable to her, and ultimately to God.

Recently, a member of Rachel’s church began a sewing ministry, and asked Rachel if any of the women she meets with would be interested in joining. 

Rachel brought some of her girls along, and since then they have engaged and started attending on their own. She explained:

“They have learned how to make hair scrunchies and other items. Now they make money for each item they finish. I’m just so excited to see them having fun, and learning skills that will help them in the future!”

Rachel lives in a sprawling apartment complex and has plenty of opportunities to make friends with her neighbours. These relationships are essential stepping stones for introducing more people to the good news of Jesus. 

“I can see God’s fingerprints all over this neighbourhood,” says Rachel. “The timing, the work we’ve done previously, the old connections, the new workers, the language skills. All the pieces are in place for me to introduce my new friends to Jesus!”

As a person uniquely equipped to minister to women in Southeast Asia, Rachel is living out her calling to be the voice and hands of Jesus.


To find out how you could serve with Reach Beyond, please get in touch with us at enquiries@reachbeyond.org.uk or visit our GO page.

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* Name changed for security reasons

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