Go for it!

Mike and Lisa spent time volunteering with Reach Beyond in Spain this summer.

We asked Mike how it went...

Q: What were you doing with Reach Beyond in Spain? 
I went to help with the Trash to Treasure project (click here for more details), but as anyone who has been on overseas mission will know, all sorts of needs and opportunities can arise! So, I ended up using my IT and construction skills to build a new audio monitoring and recording server for Radio Vida and to help build an outdoor shelter to house the Trash to Treasure machines - all very enjoyable and rewarding! 

Q: How did it go?  
I loved it. I was made to feel welcome there and being able to share my time and skills in God’s service was a real blessing to me! I was there for just under 3 weeks. It was a fantastic opportunity. 

Q: What was the highlight of your mission trip?  
I think, just having a sense of belonging there, doing what I was doing... serving... offering my time and abilities... And a sense that this might not be a one-off. 

Q: Has the Lord spoken to you since about your time serving in Spain?  
I have a strong sense that I will go back out again to help with other projects. 

Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about volunteering their time in mission work?  
Be prepared to be sensitive and adaptable to what is in front of you. Just be open and willing to let God use whatever skills you have, in the context you find yourself. If that sounds like something you can do, then go for it!  

To find out how you could volunteer with Reach Beyond, please get in touch with us at enquiries@reachbeyond.org.uk or visit our GO page.

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