From Trash to Treasure for the Roma

The history of the Greek Roma people is a complex one marked by centuries of migration and discrimination. Their origins can be traced back to the Indian subcontinent, from where they migrated westward in waves, eventually reaching Greece. The Roma peoples’ nomadic lifestyle and cultural differences often led to prejudice and exclusion.

Reach Beyond has teamed up with the Petalouda Centre on the outskirts of Athens, seeking to bring social, economic and spiritual transformation among the Greek Roma. 

‘Petalouda' is the Greek word for butterfly, and, just as a butterfly is transformed as it emerges from a chrysalis, our exciting new project is also a story of transformation.

The Trash2Treasure project takes plastic rubbish and creates something useful out of it. Waste plastic is ground up into tiny shavings and then moulded into new products using heat. 

At the same time, the accompanying teaching guide explains the gospel of Jesus. It outlines how the Lord changes our lives from trash to treasure; how he moulds us and renews us into something more useful.

The Petalouda Centre has an active ministry among Roma women and children. However, they have always struggled to engage with the men and youth.

The Trash2Treasure community development project seeks to address this by creating a focal point of interest through learning skills and spiritual engagement. The project is open to the whole community but there will be a specific focus on the men and young people.

Please pray for this project as Reach Beyond helps the Petalouda Centre to install a Trash2Treasure system and engage with that community.

Pray that the Lord will help to bring about lasting economic, social and spiritual transformation among the Greek Roma people.

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