Experiencing the Fruits of God’s Kingdom

Thirty-two basic medical providers recently completed a training course taught by Eric* and Tim* who are medical professionals from Reach Beyond and a partner ministry. The 36 credit-hour course consisted of a series of basic health seminars taught over a period of several months.

Eric and Tim usually provide a coffee/tea break for the students - something that is very important in a culture that emphasizes hospitality. As they prepared for the final seminar, they realized that it would take place during Ramadan - a time when Muslims observe strict fasting until after sundown. Muslims don’t even drink water during the fast, let alone coffee.

They decided to focus their energy instead on the graduation celebration when they present certificates. Eric and Tim purchased flowers and put together packets of fruit and nuts that the graduates could take home to their families to eat after sundown. As they finished handing out these special awards, Eric and Tim were surprised to find themselves on the receiving end of an unexpected presentation by Ana*, the oldest participant.

Ana went to the front of the room and began to speak a blessing over them. She blessed them for their work and the knowledge they had shared, but more importantly; she spoke about the peace she and the other providers experienced when they came to these seminars. Ana shared that they didn’t feel stressed, or that someone was critically watching over their shoulder, but rather they felt safe and encouraged. They were able to express their own fears and inadequacies regarding the pressures of their profession. Ana said they now had the courage to apply their newly gained knowledge and skills.

This moment was profound for Eric and Tim. They realized that these rural medical providers had clearly experienced the fruits of God’s Kingdom.

Eric and Tim had been rather discouraged at times because they were not able to openly share about their faith through these seminars. They had been praying that the participants would see an obvious difference in their lives and how they go about their work. Ana’s blessing was an answer to their prayers. Pray that Ana and the other medical providers would soon have the opportunity to learn more about the hope that we have found in Jesus.

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