Doing Mission Together

Written by: Colin Lowther, CEO.

In Luke 10 we read about Jesus appointing 72 disciples and sending them out to every town and place where He was about to go.

But He did not sugarcoat their assignment. 

Jesus told them they would be like lambs sent among wolves. Also, He knew that sending them out by themselves would not end well, so He made sure they were in groups of two.

The Bible is filled with examples showing that God doesn’t want us to be alone. He wants us to serve together, as members of one body in Christ. 

One of our radio partners in Sub-Saharan Africa is going through tough times right now. They face the challenges of operating stations in areas where the main religion is not Christianity. 

Believers are scared, and even the pastors have fled. That means that our partner’s radio broadcasts are the only voice of the gospel left in some difficult areas.

But even during such upheavals, God is giving our radio partners amazing opportunities to share the good news in tangible ways. They currently have seven requests for clean water wells and a large community is begging them to start a medical clinic, offering 12 acres of land for the project. 

I am convinced that God has uniquely prepared Reach Beyond to co-labour with local ministries like this one, who are passionate about being the hands and voice of Jesus in hard-to-reach places.

And, I believe God has uniquely called you to walk alongside our workers, local partners, and other Christians in the UK to accomplish His purposes.

In our Summer VOICE+HANDS magazine you’ll read how you can be directly involved in Reach Beyond ministry. 

Could you volunteer with the Ephraim Project? Or get behind one of our Quest teams in prayer? 

Maybe you can send a team from your church to serve refugees in Europe? Or become a PLUS Partner to impact lives every day through your giving?

However you choose to serve with Reach Beyond, thank you for caring for the unreached! 


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