Poles, Loudspeakers, and Sheep Stations

In remote villages in Ghana, our Reach Beyond missionaries, along with a local partner, are reaching people with the gospel by installing multi-purpose poles.

These poles, using solar energy, batteries, and inverters, are lighting up dark streets at night and enabling villagers to charge their mobile phones. 

However, what makes these poles tools for mission, is the fact that they have loudspeakers for streaming Christian radio programmes and a small device called a ‘Sheep Station’.

This is a free Wi-fi hub that contains downloadable Bibles, worship music, discipleship resources and materials on agriculture and community health.

This means that local people can access the gospel and other useful information for free every time they are near the Wi-fi hub.

The materials available on each Sheep Station can be changed either remotely via Internet or by an evangelist visiting the village.


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