News and Stories from the Mission Field

A few weeks ago, our Croatian partner recorded the pilot episode of a TV show titled 'My Story with God' using sign language interpreters in training. If you gave towards our Croatia appeal, you will be glad to know that your gift is being put to work by Marijana, Winnie, and Mateja, who are doing the sign-language course. 

Now that the groundwork has been laid, Mario and the volunteer interpreters are mapping out the next steps for jumpstarting sign language productions. They will be recording more episodes of 'My Story with God' in the summer. 

Please pray that many deaf and hard of hearing people will meet Jesus through the new TV shows that speak their language. 

Thank you once again for playing a vital part in sharing the good news of Jesus with unreached deaf and hard of hearing people in Croatia.

Did you know that our media team in Central Asia is reaching more children and young people with the gospel by translating the SuperBible into three local languages? 

The SuperBible is a great way to share Bible stories in a comic book format (print and videos) that appeals to young people. So far, they have produced ten videos, which are now available online. Here are some of the responses we have had so far: 

I’ve downloaded these videos and showed them to my kids. I never saw them so interested in Bible study like during watching your movies.

I’m a pastor in a local church. And with your permission we use these during our Sunday school. People are so pleased to watch these videos. I pray for you, guys. We celebrate how the Lord is using the SuperBible videos to engage people with the truths of Scripture and draw them to a greater understanding of Jesus.

Since 2015, Reach Beyond has partnered with Shining Light - a local ministry in West Africa - to dig over two dozen wells in a region where many people are resistant to the gospel. 

When the water project began, there were no believers in that area. Now there are 4 wells, 6 churches, and 24 Bible study groups. And one of the first believers from this rural community is preparing to become a pastor and is in his final year of Bible School. 

Even though this unreached people group has long been resistant to the gospel, there are now over 600 local churches in this country.

Join us in praising God for using dedicated mission workers from Reach Beyond and local believers to grow His kingdom in truly amazing ways.

One of our workers in Central Asia often partners with another missionary doctor who is serving in impoverished and remote areas.

In these places they are free to pray with their patients, share openly if led by the Holy Spirit, and to help those who are suffering. 

This work has led to the formation of a few small groups who meet to study the Bible, but currently they are seeing little fruit despite their big efforts. 

Will you pray for those new believers who get together to study the Bible in this place? 

Pray that God will give them strength to keep going. Pray also for the mission workers who are seeking guidance on enlarging the area they are serving.  

Most people in these communities are devout Muslims, and our workers want to demonstrate the love of Christ to them and serve them 
as He would. 

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